THIS is where you, my brothers and sisters around the world who are living with cancer, share your stories, photos, tips on coping with the challenges incumbent in cancer recovery.

This is YOUR PAGE. YOUR opportunity to bless everyone who visits HCRH.

LIKE THE WORKER BEES who bring pollen back to the hive, or tend to the colony or the babies being born and raised within the hive, you participate in the production of the HEALING honey.

Each one of you will bless the others, the WHOLE!

So, welcome, welcome, welcome! Know that what you share can help save someone’s life. On a day when they feel like giving up, can’t sleep at night because they are so frightened, sit in that infusion chair feeling lonely, fragile, and overwhelmed, have anxiety about test results, your story, your share will inspire them, and give them the courage to boldly move forward.

What you share will also give us the opportunity to cry and laugh with each other, and feel the warmth of a virtual hug – that blesses body, mind, emotions and spirit. THIS EXPERIENCE OF SHARING will be like a bright Light in a dark room – casting out FEAR, releasing endorphins, empowering our immune systems to destroy cancer cells and eliminate them from our bodies. WE UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER. We are on this cancer journey together and together we are stronger and no longer alone.

“Realizing each person is a divine being, just as I am, helps me see past our differences and realize we are members of the same human family with many common goals. I hold a vision that others will join me in this outlook. Everything we say and all we do will be gifts we give to the world.” (a quote from Daily Word, November 16, 2023)

I am providing a variety of opportunities where you can share: The Comments Box

E-mail Submission Link for sharing your story, photo or tip

Featuring your story as our “Special Guest”

Adding your name to our “PRAYER LIST” – where I and other volunteer prayer warriors will pray for you. I firmly believe that I am alive today because of all the people who prayed for me. You can also call Silent Unity (1-816-969-2000) and their prayer warriors will pray for you 24/7 (for free).

Welcome to our special guests

Fiona Ray


Mark Kageyama


Email your story to [email protected]

Prayer Request Form

Prayer request form