Hopie The Therapy Cat in His Tree House

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Join us this morning for some time in nature with my Beloved son and assistant therapist, Hopie.

Having been busy this week with family members in the hospital and Pancreatic cancer patients in various stages of recovery, I promised Hopie we would have breakfast outside this morning. We both needed the quiet, the music, the peacefulness, and some exercise.

It is important to keep your animal children safe outdoors and protect them from predators. I built this aviary and dog/bird/cat house after an injured dove was killed by a hawk in this tree where he loved to roost during his rehab. “If I ever rescue another bird, he/she will have a safe place.”

Hopie loves to climb his tree and walk on the redwood planks which encircle his dog/bird/cat house. The chicken wire that surrounds the tree keeps him safe from any predators.

As much as he loves being outside, there is nothing better than for Mama or Daddy to sit with him. We have our breakfast and coffee in Mont’s Place, a small Japanese tea house right beside his tree.

Just as pet children need enrichment in nature, so do human men, women, and children. Sitting or walking quietly in nature restores our body, mind, emotions and spirit. It allows us to breathe and exhale deeply, releasing stress, worry, and problems.

I encourage everyone to spend some quiet time in nature every day.

Blessings to you, from me and Hopie.
#JudithAnneDesjardinsPancreaticWarriorMaiden #HopieTheTherapyCatinHisTreehouse
#TheHealingEffectsofSpendingTimeinNature #NatureSoothesBodyMindEmotionsandSpirit